Privacy policy

Name: Team Nurmi Production Oy
Business ID: 1481356-3
Address: Turuntie 2
Postal Code: 00370
City: Helsinki
Phone Number: +358400 711 835

Data Protection Officer and Person Responsible for Register Matters
Name: Jaana Nurmi
Phone Number: +358 400 959 512

Register Name
Customer and Marketing Register

Purpose of the Register
The collected personal data is used for: Customer identification and access rights management. Processing and development of orders from registered users and maintaining customer relationships.

Basis for Collecting and Processing Data
Customer data is collected and processed with the consent of the customer or for the fulfillment of a contract with the customer.

Content of the Register
Name, Company name, Business ID, Email address, Phone number.

Storage Period of Data
Personal data is retained as long as necessary for the fulfillment of the customer contract or for the development of customer service.

Regular Data Sources
Information is collected from the individuals themselves, within the limits allowed by law, from authorities' registers (e.g.,, and via Google Analytics.

Regular Disclosures of Data and Transfers Outside the EU or European Economic Area
Data is not regularly disclosed to external parties. Some external service or software providers used by the company may store data outside the EU or European Economic Area.

Use of Cookies
We use the so-called cookie function, or cookies, on our website. A cookie is a small text file sent to and stored on the user's computer, enabling the website administrator to identify frequent visitors, facilitate users' logins, and compile aggregate information about visitors. This feedback helps us continually improve the content of our pages. Cookies do not harm users' computers or files. We use them to provide our customers with information and services tailored to their individual needs.If a user visiting our site does not want us to obtain the aforementioned information through cookies, most web browsers allow the disabling of cookie functions. This is typically done through the browser settings. However, it's important to note that cookies may be necessary for the proper functioning of some of the pages we maintain and the services we offer.

Web Trackers
Our site also collects data through the use of the Facebook Pixel. This information may be shared with third parties supporting our marketing activities and website development. Information describing the use of the website by users may be shared with external advertising agencies to better target our online marketing. The information collected through these web trackers is not personally identifiable, although it can be associated with your personal data.

Register protectionData is transmitted over an SSL-protected connection. Electronic data is secured by a firewall, usernames, and passwords. Access to the data is restricted to individuals employed by the data controller who need the information for their tasks.

Rights of the Data Subject
The data subject has the right to inspect the information stored about them in the personal data register. A written request for inspection should be sent, signed, to the person in charge of register matters. The right to inspect is free of charge, implemented at most once a year. The data subject has the right to request correction or deletion of incorrect or outdated information, or the transfer of data from one system to another. They also have the right to restrict or object to the processing of their data in accordance with Articles 18 and 21 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. The data subject has the right to withdraw consent given for data processing or file a complaint with the supervisory authority regarding issues related to the processing of their personal data. The data subject also has the right to prohibit the use of their data for direct marketing purposes.

Updated on May 28, 2024.